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IF you are a patient, what may you observe in an  AFS practitioner office is very different to what you may have been used to:


When I am treated by my AFS chiropractor:


  • I am asked every visit “how I feel”, and I have a cursory exam every visit, even if I saw him twice during the week.

  • During each visit, the doctor makes me perform a specific movement twice: prior and after the adjustment. This movement has been picked by both of us and he has explained me that it was “my checking base line”.  The amplitude of this movement is usually modified after each adjustment; it has become a useful tool to constantly monitor my progress. I even use it to check the rightness of my exercises.

  • I am often instructed to adopt a position prior or during the adjustment: my doctor may use a pillow, a wedge or moves a table’s segment. He may also ask me to perform repetitively certain movement prior to adjust me; last week I performed 10 push-ups against the wall.

  • My doctor uses a very small movement to adjust me and his adjustment is always gentle, he never surprises me, I just hear a single little click; I always fear to be treated by another chiropractor and have a multiple pop manipulation.

  • The doctor uses many different techniques and if my husband is treated, it will be very differently than for myself; by a matter of fact I am always surprised by the multiple “hands-on” techniques that my doctor’s uses far more than any other that went to.

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