Adjust for success is based in Palm Beach Gardens, Fl. 33410
Teaching Chiropractic
Adjust For Success
We are teaching chiropractic adjusting protocols to enhance the delivery of hands-on treatment via strong bio-mechanical basis.
You will discover a single model that explains how spinal manipulation really works; this will lead you to practice and learn a refined chiropractic adjusting with the most gentle and exquisite adjustment.
We are a pioneering group of AFS chiropractors who intend to better this profession by bringing innovative concept to the chiropractic education. Our ideas and practices are revolutionary as they change old approaches to bring new ones, with instantly observable results.
There are three prongs to the Adjust For Success seminars:
The model of the Arc Of Tension, briefly explained with a video.
The Arc Of Tension model ( AOT )
The AOT establishes a single based model in the approach of Spinal manipulation:
Currently SMT (Spinal Manipulative Therapy) and peculiarly the mechanical chiropractic adjustment is learned as a succession of separate and sometimes secretive techniques transmitted in school or in private seminar. We want to change that.
With the AOT model:
You will learn from a single model and how to apply this model to the whole spine and to multiple techniques, saving time, energy but more importantly establishing rules that affect globally the outcomes of any hands-on adjusting protocol.
You will become a patient-centrist instead of being a doctor-centrist.
You will multiply the quantity of techniques that you use in the office by at least 3 to 10.
You will be able to watch a YouTube video and state right away if this will or will not work.
You will be able to offer constructive critics to well established protocols (Gonstead, SOT, CBP, etc...)
You will learn the protocol of delivery of any SMT with a never reached precision before and you will describe it with more precise terminology such as “segmental extension”, “segmental lateral flexion”, “stabilization by translation”.
You will eventually want to create your own technique with what you have learned.
The Arc of Tension model is directly issued from the different books published by Dr. Dubarry which adds a few sections to the classical chiropractic adjustment:
Accurate positioning of the patient’s body part distal of the treated segment.
Patient preparation to the deliverance of the adjustment. (Such as: muscular fatigue, mental preparation, isometric exercises, isotonic exercise)
Use of physiological and neurological techniques of facilitation prior and during the adjustment. (Such as Refractory period, sequential drop, breathing optimization, etc...)
Custom design of an exercise integrated to the patient environment using daily life props (such as chair, sink, belt, pillows, grass, carpet, tile, beds)
Use a chiropractic nosology.
An exemple of a specific technic for a specific condition with a brief video.
Currently in the chiropractic profession there are very few specific techniques associated for a specific diagnostic (or condition).
It is as if our profession considers that the outcome from an adjustment will be the same from different technique either performed with a patient prone, supine, sitting or on a knee chest. AFS practitioners know that the outcomes can be very different following what technique is used.
AFC practitioners believe strongly that if some chiropractic minority refuse the usefulness of diagnostic, it is mostly the fault of the profession at large, which has not developed the skill level enabling them to make that distinction.
AFC brings a new dimension to the practice; first a diagnostic is established, second a technique is selected cognitive of the nosology encountered, the physical characteristic of the tandem doctor-patient and the equipment available.
For the lay person the first observation noticed is that that there are rarely two consecutive patients treated the same way.
Chiropractic is seen as one of the most effective diagnostic tools; an AFS practitioner recognizes that and uses it to establish bridges with the medical profession.

Documentation for duplication of the hands-on treatment by an AFS practitioner.
An AFS practitioner documents during each visits the “hands on treatment” that he performed on a patient for duplication by a peer. for this, he has established something called a technical chart that he makes available to his patient when this one moves away or change doctor. There is a true continuity of treatment for a patient between two AFS practitioners. An AFS student chiropractor by the second seminar will have already created his/her own technical chart or we will have been provided with a standard one to initiate himself to this process.
This technical chart
It works on the same principles as the menu in a restaurant. It can be printed on paper or placed on the doctor web-site. It allows for inter-doctor duplication of a single treatment. (The video below explains the function of a technical chart through a program which at the time was named docuadjust).
It permits the doctor a retrospective evaluation of the rightness of his precedent treatment from the observed outcome promoting self-doctor growth; it broadcast to other partners in the health field (Medical, insurance and legal personal) a clearer picture of what chiropractic is. Every AFS practitioner is firmly trained in this approach, has learned the basic principle on describing his own technique
and can document any technique in under 3 seconds.
95% of our current chiropractors do not document for duplication their adjustment; this fact leads to:
You cannot grow you adjusting skills if you have no way to remember what you did.
50 years of practice is “no experience” if you cannot recall what you did on your patient.
The current chiropractic documentation is more on the indication for treatment than the technique itself. Current documentation of the technique used is chiropractic is at best “empiric” and it is a sad fact that us at AFS want to change.